www.xe.com/ucc/ |
Currency Conversion on line |
www.babelfish.altavista.com/... |
Web Translator on line |
www.azworldairports.com/ |
Detailed information covering airports of the world, including contact numbers, e-mails etc, includes country index showing airports by country. |
www.shipping-international.c... |
Online directory of international shipping companies and freight forwarders. Provides information about moving, air, auto, ocean auto, vehicle, cargo shipping companies etc. |
www.aircargoweek.com/ |
Weekly news paper covering all aspect of cargo movement worldwide |
www.uk.map24.com/ |
Route planner |
www.air-transport.org/ |
ATA - Air Transport Association |
www.brusselsairport.be/en |
Brussels Airport |
www.hotelstravel.com/airport... |
Airports of the World |
www.flytecomm.com/cgi-bin/tr... |
track a flight |
www.countryreports.org/ |
Reports on Countries |
www.bank-holidays.com |
Bank Holidays of the World |
www.world-calendar.com/ |
World Perpetual Calendar |
www.worldtimeserver.com |
the time anywhere in the World |
www.timezoneconverter.com |
Time Zone Converter |
www.time.gov |
Official US Time zones |
http://plasma.nationalgeogra... |
Map Machine of the National Geographic |
http://uk8.multimap.com/ |
Site Multi Maps |
www.un.org/Depts/Cartographi... |
United Nations - Maps section |
www.escapeartist.com/global1... |
Site listing sites of World Post Codes |
www.iata.org |
IATA - Intenational Air Transport Association |
www.unece.org/trans |
United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe - Transport Division |
www.wcoomd.org |
WCO - World Customs Organization |
http://ec.europa.eu/taxation... |
EU - European Union - Taxation and Customs Union |
www.boeing.com |
BOEING - Aircrafts |
www.airbus.com |
AIRBUS - Aircrafts |
www.transportintelligence.co... |
TI - Transport Intelligence - Web Magazine - Market Intelligence for the Transport and Logistics Industry |
www.timeanddate.com |
Time and Date information |
www.azfreight.com |
A to Z Wordlwide Airfreight |
www.earthcalendar.net |
Earth Calendar including: Holidays by date, Holidays by Country, Holidays by Region, Lunar Phases, ... |